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Mask Messages_edited.jpg
Body / Self Expression: Welcome

Body / Self Expression

Articles of clothing, jewelry and other accoutrements are also often used as talismans. This can be as simple as the ritual of putting on a lucky shirt before a game or more complex such as wearing a mask during a pandemic. While these objects have tangible value, the shirt can express support for a particular team and the mask can prevent disease transmission, they often hold esoteric value beyond their stated purpose.


These objects often become imbued with this supernatural attribute because of their association to a point when the owner's will was expressed in the world around them. This connects the object to the event (i.e. a team winning, or a date going well) and so the object becomes a talisman meant to bring that same moment back to the present.


Similarly, these objects can also be used to ward off perceived "evil" from outside courses. Modifying masks so they don't function as intended but still wearing them, wearing an opposing piece of lucky clothing to negate an opposing individual's talisman. These outward performances are usually meant to subvert the opposing group's talisman in much the same way one might avert the evil eye.

Body / Self Expression: Work
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