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Types of Modern Talismans

The ways that modern individuals use visual expression, personal choice and virtual selves in order to both establish themselves as part of a group and to establish groups outside of themselves. These talismans also bring with them a certain sense of protection and prophecy, as the open wearing of them invokes the individuals will on the world in some small way.

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Property Based Expression

These talismans are attached to objects the user owns. Some of the most common versions of these are bumper stickers, lawn signs, flags and other easily identifiable imagery. Here the performance is passive, the ritual is tied to the display instead of the active use by the owner.


Body / Self Expression

Here, the owner wears the talisman as  a part of their outward expression. With these objects, the wearing of them becomes part of the ritual. Additionally, while such objects may have tangible benefits within their intended use, wearers often attribute additional importance to the wearing (or not wearing).

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Online Expression

The use of virtual space to both establish a performance and an identity for the individual. Often, this is the most active use of the talisman concept and when they are most often employed to define the esoteric and exoteric spaces in a virtual world.

Research: Work
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